Categories: M-Q

by GFLee


Categories: M-Q

by GFLee


The deeper you dive the colder it gets
You see things down here
You would rather forget
And there are some wishes
That should never come true
I'm out of my depth in an ocean of you

The air turns to poison
When you've gone this deep
You call for the lifeguard
But it seems, it seems she's asleep
Sunlight is a rumour that is lost in the stars
You can't see the bottom
But you know it's not far
This theory of love was never proven true
I'm out of my depth in an ocean of you

The deeper you drill the stronger the stuff
The sweeter the song the sharper the rocks
The laws of attraction that have been reversed
Before it gets better it can only get worse
This kind of thing happens to somebody else

The deeper you dive the stranger it gets
Saw something in you
I still pray, pray I'll forget
And there are some wishes
That should never come true
I'm out of my depth in an ocean of you


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